Black Section Separator

By Cali Crystal             May 19, 2020

OSCAR WINNER Robert Towne dies at 89

By Cali Crystal             May 19, 2020

Black Section Separator


Black Section Separator


By Cali Crystal             May 19, 2020

He pioneered a dark and complex vision of Los Angeles that continues to influence filmmakers today.

By Cali Crystal             May 19, 2020

Black Section Separator

Neo-Noir Master

Black Section Separator

By Cali Crystal             May 19, 2020

Towne's captivating stories enthralled audiences for decades.

By Cali Crystal             May 19, 2020

Black Section Separator

         Master Weaver of                    Narratives

"Chinatown" Redefines Cinematic Suspense: The neo-noir masterpiece set a new standard for storytelling.

Black Section Separator

Academy Recognition Solidifies Legacy: The "Chinatown" Oscar cemented his status as a true Hollywood luminary.

Black Section Separator

Whispers Amongst Legends: Towne's contributions lauded as instrumental, drawing comparisons to cinematic greats.

Black Section Separator

read more below about robert towne